Today we went down to visit my Mom who has been staying at Jill's house for the last couple of weeks. It was our last of 4 visits with her on this trip. We had a great time visiting and can't wait to see her again soon!
9:30 Driving on the 405 to visit Jill and Mom
10:30 Finally there!
11:30 Ready to head out to lunch together
12:30 Grant having a great time with Grandma at lunch
1:30 Playing with Zhu Zhu pets and waiting for Timmy to get home from school
2:30 Grant and Timmy wrestling around--Grant was laughing SO hard
3:30 On our way back home
4:30 Trying to catch up on my email after being gone for 3 days in a row
5:30 Setting Grant up with a computer game so I can figure out dinner
6:30 Proof-reading Nate's paper for his class
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