Monday, October 12, 2009


Grant LOVES to shave with Dad. Nate always lets him be a part of the action, so what's not to love?

Admiring himself in the mirror. The mirror is all smudgy because SOMEBODY tried to clean it with his toothbrush. I don't think it's necessary to name names.

Ahhhh, refreshing aftershave. He smells so good after his "shave."


Lola said...

How precious!!! Priceless pictures!

Mommy Roth said...

I miss you, yes even on a Sat morn at an early hour. I think the posts of Grant are so hysterical. Maybe Jack will be a funny guy like him. We are enjoying his humor already. I am getting ready for a long run 11 miles today. Yikes! I am doing horrible on my points after making some cookies for bible study. Maybe when I am 40 I will learn the secret to contentment and moderation, hoping it's before then though. Have a good weekend! (Is this the big one).