Friday, January 30, 2009

Fun Day

Jill and the kids came over today. All the kids wanted a picture with Grant. He constantly has his fingers in his mouth. I can't wait for these molars to come in!

Tim-Tims and Grant

Jer-Jer and Grant

Kegan and Grant

Here's the whole crew on the way to get donuts. Auntie Jill is so much fun! She even remembered to bring a special truck book for Grant to look at in the car.

Grant got his first taste of donut. He sat in his own chair like all the big kids and thoroughly enjoyed this new discovery. He kept saying, "More...more."

What a fun day! Thanks for coming to visit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nate and Joy, it's so good to see photos of you with little Grant! (Ellianna would like to type something to you:

fg bvjdhfg kkfvvvfvvvvdvvvkvv dfccmccxccccssvvfdcvcdcdsacdcacgf f cdfsds c d

It says, "I love you.")

Anyway, it's great to see you guys as a happy family! I've added your blog to our bookmarks, so I'll be sure to check it out regularly!

Take care,

Sharon (for Mike and Elli, too)