Monday, January 14, 2008


We got to spend Christmas in Colfax with Nate's family. Crystie and Sead couldn't make it because Ella was due any day and Gramma Jean decided to stay home, so we unfortunately didn't get to see them.

Here's Grant opening his first Christmas present.

Wow, he got a lot of new things.

...but of course, he went straight back to the Tupperware lid that Grandma got out for him the day before.


Grant got to spend some quality time with Grandpa.

Nate showed Grant how to play with Buddy.
Before we got there, Grant couldn't get the concept of rolling the ball back and forth. After a few days with Buddy's persistence he had it down pat.

Nate and his dad got lots of quality pipe-smoking time.

One of the things Grandma got out for Grant to play with was this bowl. We found out that it fit perfectly on his head. Every time we'd put it on him, he'd immediately start crawling quickly out of the room. We decided it was his explorer's hat. Kinda looks like he might break out in a yodel.

Grandma has this cool laser she uses to play with the dogs. Grant thought it was great. As usual, Buddy was right with Grant, waiting to play.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

You guys look like you are having such a good time! Grant is adorable. Seems like you have adapted to being "mommy and daddy".
What a fun 1st Christmas with Grant!
